The Wrestling Parallel: Trump as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin

Donald Trump

In an intriguing analogy, wrestling experts David Shields and Sean Görman draw parallels between former President Donald Trump and WWE’s “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, suggesting that their public personas and the archetypes they represent share remarkable similarities.

Shields, author of “How We Got Here,” and Görman, a wrestling manager and memoirist, argue that Trump embodies many of the traits that made “Stone Cold” Steve Austin a beloved antihero among wrestling fans. Görman explains, “If you understand wrestling, or are actually in the wrestling business, then you understand it perfectly. It’s not necessarily about the surface-level traits of these two characters, but rather what they represent and who they are to both their respective audiences and archrivals.”

As reported by the Washington Post, the most successful pro wrestling storyline of all time is arguably Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon. Görman draws a parallel between this iconic feud and Trump’s ongoing battle against what he perceives as the “deep state” and corporate elites in Washington.

Trump, much like Austin, is seen by his supporters as a brash, no-nonsense tough guy who stands up for the working class. Despite his wealthy background, Trump has managed to position himself as a champion of the common man, much like Austin’s persona of the rebellious, beer-drinking redneck from Texas.

Görman elaborates, “To the working class, Trump is a brash, no-nonsense tough guy just like Austin. This was Austin’s entire persona — the living embodiment of ‘Take this job and shove it.’” In the wrestling world, McMahon represents the wealthy, corporate elites who wield immense power, much like the political establishment that Trump frequently criticizes.

Trump’s ability to resonate with the working class despite his privileged background is reminiscent of Teddy Roosevelt, another wealthy New Yorker who connected with the common man. Görman notes that Trump’s consistency in his public persona — whether at an Iowa State Fair or a political rally — adds to his perceived authenticity. “In the eyes of the people, there was an authenticity to him that they’d never seen before in a politician,” says Görman.

The concept of a wrestler starting off as a heel and gradually becoming a babyface due to crowd reactions is also applied to Trump. Görman explains, “Originally, Austin and Piper were both put in storylines as heels, but they were so tough, dogged and charismatic that the fans eventually started cheering for them.” This transformation mirrors Trump’s political journey, where his tough, unyielding demeanor has garnered both staunch supporters and vehement critics.

In the polarized landscape of American politics, Trump can be seen as a “tweener,” a term used in wrestling to describe a character who is neither fully a hero nor a villain. Görman points out, “Go to California, and Trump is a heel. Go to West Virginia, and Trump is a babyface. Go to Ohio, and Trump is a tweener.”

Ultimately, the wrestling analogy provides a unique lens through which to view Trump’s political persona. Just as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin became an antihero who resonated with fans, Trump’s unorthodox approach and combative style have made him a polarizing yet influential figure in American politics.


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