=== wpDataTables - WordPress Data Table, Dynamic Tables & Table Charts Plugin === Contributors: wpDataTables, ameliabooking Author URI: https://tmsproducts.io Plugin URI: https://wpdatatables.com/ Tags: table, table builder, data table, table plugin, charts, tables, datatables, csv, excel, json, nested json, json authentication, json API, simple table, table from csv, table from excel, dynamic table, merge cells, cache, cache table, caching, auto update, auto update table, responsive table, responsive charts, grouping data, pricing table, row grouping, chart, pie charts, mysql tables, wp table, wordpress table plugin, wordpress table, editing charts, google charts, chartjs, xml, php array, line chart, donut, bar chart, histogram, area chart, bubble chart, gauge chart, scatter chart, candlestick, waterfall, polar, radar Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 6.4 Requires PHP: 7.4 Stable tag: License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The best WordPress table plugin. Create responsive, searchable, sortable tables and charts from Excel (.xlsx, .xls or .ods), CSV, XML, JSON and PHP. == Description == wpDataTables is a popular WordPress table plugin used to **quickly create data tables & table charts** from Excel, CSV, XML, JSON, PHP and other data sources. Use our WP table plugin to represent vast amounts of complicated data in concise, user-friendly way using tables or charts. The main benefits wpDataTables provides to its users are **saved time** (as it automates displaying data in website and allows to do so without investing time in coding) and **no need to learn coding** (creating a WordPress table like in wpDataTable would require development without it). == Amazing WordPress Table Builder == New table builder is introduced in wpDataTables – [Creating simple WordPress tables from scratch](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-new-wpdatatables-with-table-constructor/creating-a-simple-table-with-wpdatatables/). These tables can be anything but simple, though, as you can now merge cells, style each cell differently, add star ratings to cells, media and so much more. Here is the list of the new functionality in those simple tables: * Merge cells * Excel like editor * Responsive mode * Add/Remove columns and rows * Resize/Reorder columns and rows * Cell custom formatting * Font family and font size * Undo/Redo * Add star rating * Custom links * Add media * Custom HTML editor * Shortcode in cells * Border options [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06QF0wNEf94] == Create responsive data table very easy == Responsiveness is a feature that allows presenting the same content differently depending on the display size of device that is used to view it. In other words, the same website can be presented differently on a laptop, mobile phone or a tablet. Any wpDataTable can be responsive table, it doesn’t matter which data source do you use – CSV, JSON , Excel, or any other. In this WordPress responsive table plugin you can choose which columns do you want to be visible or hidden on tablets and/or mobiles. The hidden columns' data will be still available for the users that would like to see it in a dropdown; it will collapse under an expandable block in the first visible column. More about process of creating a responsive table in our docs [Responsive table in WordPress](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/responsiveness/). Your tables will be 100% functional, and they will look great on all screen and devices. == Create datatable from Excel == Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool and one of the most efficient software for graphic-analytical and tabular data processing. It speeds up and make work in the workplace tables easier, easy to learn, easy to use and fast in displaying work results. It is awesome analysis spreadsheet for many business users. With wpDataTables, it’s even more powerful in WordPress environment. *.XLS* and *.XLSX* formats are also so common for storing data simpler, faster and more intuitive. wpDataTables is deeply integrated with Excel. In just a few clicks you can create awesome WordPress tables with search, sort, pagination, custom skins and lot more. Checkout more details in our documentation about [How to create WordPress tables from Excel files](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wpdatatables-from-excel/) where you can find and video tutorials as well. == Make data table from CSV == The CSV, or *“comma-separated-values”* is a widely used format; It is lightweight, simple, can be generated by almost any software, and created manually by users. Beside 'comma', wpDataTables support 'colon', 'semicolon', 'vertical bar (pipe) and 'TAB' as CSV delimiter. You can create responsive, searchable and sortable WordPress tables quite easy. You can find detail instructions on the link [How to create WordPress tables from CSV files](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wpdatatables-from-csv/). == Generate data table from XML == XML - *(Extensible Markup Language)* is a universal standard for presenting data. It is one of the most widely used standards for data transfer between the server and the client. It is increasingly used as a standard in which documents are saved (Libre Office and Microsoft Office). Finally, the HTML standard for creating web pages is derived from the SGML or XML standard. A lot of web services “run” on XML, and wpDataTables supports XML as an input data source as well. Find in our docs [How to create WordPress tables with XML](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wpdatatables-from-xml/). == Build WordPress table from JSON == JSON *(JavaScript Object Notation)* is a popular interlingual data exchange format. Many server applications provide public data in JSON format. JSON is based on the syntax of Javascript objects. Since most web applications use client-side JavaScript, JSON has become the 'de facto' standard for packing data on the web and wpDataTables also supports the JSON format as an input data source. Learn [How to create WordPress tables from JSON](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wpdatatables-from-json-input/) in our documentation. == NEW! Create data table from Nested JSON == As you know, with wpDataTables you are able to create a table linked to an existing JSON file that need to contain a one-level array of same-structured objects, but not any more. Now you are able to choose root path where is your data with or without JSON Authentication. More info in our docs about [Creating data tables in WordPress from nested JSON](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wordpress-tables-from-nested-json-data-with-json-authentication/#json-authentication) == NEW! JSON Authentication == Most of JSON APIs are locked, password protected, and can’t be accessed without some authentication. wpDataTables support basic authentication and also custom headers where you can provide details needed for authentication for that specific JSON (for example API keys, tokens, etc.). More info in our docs about [JSON Authentication](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wordpress-tables-from-nested-json-data-with-json-authentication/#json-authentication). == NEW! Cache tables data == We are introducing a new feature that will dramatically increase the loading performance of your tables created from existing data sources like CSV, Excel, XML, JSON, Nested JSON and PHP array. As you know, in this case, you will upload the file and initialize the table, whereupon it will be read every time the page loads. Before this version of wpDataTables, if the source file was larger than 3.000 – 5.000 rows, the page load and generation time was slow. But not anymore! More details in our docs about [Caching tables in Wordpress](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/caching-data-and-auto-update-cache-in-wordpress-tables/). == NEW! Auto update table cache from source file == This new option is related with previous option caching tables. If you are updating your source file frequently, and want to keep the data in the table updated after a custom interval, the new feature Auto update cache from the source file will be perfect for you. It will update table cached data based on the source file following the time interval that you will set in the cron job. You can read more in our docs about [Auto update cache from source and cron job instructions](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/caching-data-and-auto-update-cache-in-wordpress-tables/#auto-update-cache). == Develop dynamic WordPress table from Serialized PHP array == For developer users, or users who are at least somewhat familiar with PHP language, that previous input data sources (Excel, CSV, XML, JSON or Nested JSON) are not flexible enough for dynamic data presentation. We didn't want to limit your freedom in wpDataTables, so we implemented serialized PHP arrays as one of data sources, so you are able to create dynamic datatables. You can prepare data from some private or public API, or use WP Query to get data from your posts, get data by depending on some variables in the URL, or use some other complex logic. Learn how you can prepare a PHP file and [How to create WordPress tables based on serialized PHP arrays](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wpdatatables-from-serialized-php-array/) in our docs. == Create Responsive Charts == Responsive Charts in wpDataTables can be created with a step-by-step chart creation wizard in WordPress admin. On each step you can go back to change the settings with huge number of customization options. In the “Formatting and preview” step, you can see a live chart preview, so you can check if you’re satisfied with the look of the chart before saving it and inserting it to a WordPress post or page. More about chart wizard and chart customization options in our docs about [How to create responsive charts in WordPress](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/creating-charts-wordpress-wpdatachart-wizard/). == Editing charts == Editing charts with wpDataTables plugin is very easy – everything is done with the same wizard used to create them – the only difference is, the data is already prefilled. The editing steps are the same as the steps used to create the chart. More on link [Editing charts in WordPress](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/editing-charts-in-wordpress/). == NEW! Grouping data in Charts == Charts in wpDataTables have a very useful feature: grouping - the values of the rows with the same label will be summed up and rendered as a single series. It is quite easy to set the grouping for a chart with single option "Group chart" in chart wizard. More in our docs about [Grouping data in WordPress Charts](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/grouping-in-charts/). wpDataTables allows creating 14 different chart types using the Google Charts rendering engine: * Google Line Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-line-chart) * Google Column Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-column-chart) * Google Pie Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-pie-chart) * Google Area Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-area-chart) * Google Stepped area Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-stepped-area-chart) * Google Histogram - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-histogram-chart) * Google Bar Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-bar-chart) * Google Stacked Bar Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-stacked-bar-chart) * Google Bubble Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-bubble-chart) * Google Donut Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-donut-chart) * Google Gauge Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-gauge-chart) * Google Scatter Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-scatter-chart) * Google Candlestick Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-candlestick-chart) * Google Waterfall Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/#google-waterfall-chart) **NEW!** And now 9 more awesome chart types with Chart.js engine, that renders simple and flexible WordPress charts with a lot of customization options: * Chart.js Line Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-line-chart) * Chart.js Column Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-column-chart) * Chart.js Area Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-area-chart) * Chart.js Stacked area Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-stacked-area-chart) * Chart.js Radar Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-radar-chart) * Chart.js Polar Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-polar-chart) * Chart.js Pie Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-pie-chart) * Chart.js Doughnut Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-doughnut-chart) * Chart.js Bubble Chart - [Live example](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/#chart-js-bubble-chart) Creating tables, datatables and charts with a WordPress tables plugin has never been easier. It only takes 3 basic steps: **Step 1 - Provide table data** You can provide table data for WordPress tables by uploading Excel, CSV , JSON, Nested JSON, XML or Serialized PHP array, or you will create simple table from scratch with new WordPress table builder. **Step 2 - Customization** You can customize and configure the columns of your WordPress table (rename, reorder, add CSS classes, add prefix or suffix, set visibility, hide on mobile or tablet, change colors, set text alignment for cells and header, sort) and also you can customize and configure table Color and Font settings( Font, Header, Table border, Row , Cell and Pagination) in any way you see fit. **Step 3 - Publish in a post or page** All tables (except simple table) will become sortable and will have pagination, global search, display length and export table buttons by default. Once you are happy with the design of your WordPress table, you can easily insert it on any post or page through [Gutenberg](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/gutenberg-editor/), [standard WP Editor and shortcode](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/wpdatatables-shortcodes/), or through page builders like: * [Avada Page Builder](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/avada-builder-integration/), * [Divi Page Builder](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/divi-builder-integration/), * [WPBakery Page Builder](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/visual-composer-integration/) or * [Elementor](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/elementor-integration/). == Export table data and column visibility (Table tools) == Additionally, each table (except simple table) can have a search bar, display length, table info, pagination and can have the following export functions: “Copy to Clipboard”, “Export to CSV”, “Export to PDF”, “Export to XLS”, “Print“. Beside those export buttons, it is available column visibility button as well, with which you are able easily to control the visibility of columns in a WordPress table on back-end and front-end as well. All these functionalities are configurable, and it is your decision whether to toggle these on or off. More info in our docs about [Table tools in wpDataTables](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/table-tools/) and [Table and column settings](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/table-configuration-page-overview/) (simple table has own customization panel). == Global, individual and multiple columns sorting == wpDataTables can act as a sortable table plugin by supporting sorting for all the data types. Tables rendered by the wpDataTables plugin are sortable by default (except simple tables). It means that the content of the datatables can be ordered by the values of one of its columns. When the sorting is enabled, each column header will become “interactive”. If you need to sort by multiple columns, it is possible with “Shift” button on the keyboard. While holding it you are able to click on other columns' header(initially, the ordering will be done based on the first column, and after that, based on the second column). Detail explanation you can find in our documentation about [Creating a sortable table in WordPress](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/sorting/). == Column types and features == Following column data types are supported in data tables (Data tables created from Excel, CSV, JSON, XML or Serialized PHP array). Most column types, except the images, have their own sorting rules: * String - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/string-columns/) * Integer - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/integer-columns/) * Float - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/float-columns/) * Date - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/date-columns/) * DateTime - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/datetime-columns/) * Time - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/time-columns/) * Image - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/image-columns/) * URL link - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/url-link-columns/) * E-mail link - [Text and video documentation](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/e-mail-link-columns/) == Row grouping == If one column of your table contains similar values for many rows, it often makes sense to use it as a “group column”.This means it will not be displayed as a column, but its values will be used to group the rows. For detail explanation check out [How to set up row grouping in WordPress tables](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/column-features/row-grouping/). == Single cell shortcode == Most of the users need to show a single value from their tables. wpDataTables presents dynamic single-cell shortcodes that you can use in many options. There are differences in shortcode parameters depending on the table type. More about [Single cell shortcode](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/single-cell-shortcode/) you can read in our docs. Please note some limitations compared to the Premium version of the wpDataTables plugin: 1. MySQL-query based tables support is not included. 2. Creating tables from the Google Spreadsheet files is not included. 3. Create a datatables manually is not included. 4. Server-side processing is not included. 5. Table filters are not included. 6. Front-end table editing is not included. 7. Excel-like editing is not included. 8. Advanced HighCharts and ApexCharts are not included. 9. Table Constructor Wizard (step-by-step table generator) is not included. 10. Customize options for each table are not included. 11. Access to our premium support system is not included. You can get all of these features by purchasing the Premium version on [the plugin's site](https://wpdatatables.com). Please note that wpDataTables requires PHP 5.6 or newer! **wpDataTables vs wpDataTables Premium** If you still can’t decide which wpDataTables version to choose, you should get familiar with the basic features of both of them, and then take it from there. It all boils down to the type of tables in WordPress that you want to create. **wpDataTables** If you don’t require the most advanced features because you only create a table in WordPress every now and then, wpDataTables is perfect for you. **wpDataTables Premium** While the basic version is great for people who create small and simple tables, wpDataTables Premium is the best WordPress table plugin and it comes with a huge set of amazing features. However, the thing that really sets it apart is the possibility to manage any amount of data and create huge responsive tables in WordPress. **Do I Need wpDataTables?** Well, the short answer is – yes. If you want to create fully functional and great looking WordPress tables, you need wpDataTables. The number of the users currently taking advantage of this plugin is 60,000 and counting. The major features of wpDataTables include but are not limited to: * Building WordPress tables quickly and easily – no complicated configuration; just simple clicking; * No coding knowledge required; * Fully customizable WordPress tables and charts – from choosing the color palette to inserting elements such as your company logo, wpDataTables allows you to customize your tables and charts in any way you see fit; * A WordPress table plugin that works like a spreadsheet app – with all the advanced features and tools, wpDataTables truly stands out from the competition; * 1, 3 or unlimited years of updates and support == Showcases how it is commonly applied == * Pricing tables * Amazon product comparison table * Searchable catalogs of car parts, books, etc. * Currency and crypto rates * Financial and investment rates * Customer lists * Statistics data (weather for example) * Scientific data * Monitoring of data * Tourist agency - rating hotels and trips * Game popularity comparison * Gamers statistics * Monthly employee statistics * Product lists * Product lists with links to online stores * Pedigree tables * Historical data * Country population statistics * Datatables * and all other cases or industries where data need to be shown as tabular or chart format. Additional useful features include: * [NEW! Fixed/Sticky headers](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/fixed-header-in-wordpress-tables/) – Now you can freeze headers after scroll very easy for each datatable. * [NEW! Fixed/Sticky Columns](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/fixed-columns-in-tables/) – Now you can freeze left and right columns very easy for each datatable. * [NEW! Customize Options For Each Table](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/customize-table/) – Now you can customize each table with different skin, font, background, colors and lot more. * [NEW! Create Tables via Google Spreadsheet API](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/connect-wordpress-tables-with-google-sheets-api/) – Instant synchronization in wpDataTables after changes in Google sheets. Create tables from Private Google Spreadsheets. * [Multiple databases support](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/configuration/#separate-connection) - wpDataTables is the only WordPress table plugin that can display the data from MySQL, MS SQL or PostgreSQL databases. * [Huge Amount of Data](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-mysql-based-wpdatatables-with-server-side-processing/) – wpDataTables Premium can create huge tables (millions of rows) in a matter of minutes. All the operations will be handled by the MySQL server. * [Editable Tables](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/front-end-editing/creating-editable-tables/) – you or any other WordPress user with access will be able to edit and/or adjust the published tables at any point * [Advanced Filters and Search](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/advanced-filtering/)– you will be able to create individual filters that will help you narrow the search results in the table quickly and easily. You can also configure a cascade filter with the [Powerful Filters addon](https://wpdatatables.com/powerful-filtering/). * [Highlighting](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/conditional-formatting/) – highlighting the rows, columns, cells of your WordPress tables etc. has never been easier with this plugin’s conditional formatting feature * [Charts](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/creating-charts-wordpress-wpdatachart-wizard/) – you can easily turn every WordPress table into a beautiful chart. Charts are rendered by 4 powerful engines ([Google](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/google-charts/), [Highcharts](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/highcharts/), [Chart.js](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/chartjs/) and **NEW** [ApexCharts](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/wpdatacharts/apexcharts/)) and can change in real-time. * [Calculating Tools](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/calculation-functions/) – calculating a sum, average, minimum and maximum of all the values for a given column is easier than ever with the wpDataTables advanced calculating tools * [Placeholders](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/using-placeholders/) - make dynamic tables from SQL Queries and use it through the shortcodes and as predefined values in filters and editing. == Extend wpDataTables functionality with add-ons == wpDataTable Lite and Premium users have the option to extend wpDataTables functionality with **FREE** add-ons such as: 1. [Forminator Forms Integration](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpdatatables-forminator/) - that allows you to create datatables from Forminator Forms submissions. wpDataTable Premium users have the option to extend wpDataTables functionality with premium add-ons such as: 1. [Master-detail tables](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/addons/master-detail-tables/)** - which allows you and your site visitors to see details for each row with a simple click (view on popup or custom page/post) 1. [Powerful Filters](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/addons/powerful-filtering/)** - to filter table data in the WordPress Tables frontend with Cascade filters; it also allows you to hide the table before the filter is applied; show search button; 1. [Report Builder](https://wpreportbuilder.com/)** - The Best WordPress report builder plugin that generate Word or Excel reports from your WP in 1 click. 1. [Gravity Forms integration](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/addons/gravity-forms-integration/)** - allows you to create editable wpDataTables from Gravity Forms entries data. 1. [Formidable Forms Integration](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/addons/formidable-forms-integration/)** - that allows you to create wpDataTables from Formidable Forms entries data. **Those add-ons are not included in the premium plugin. They have to be purchased separately. == For Developers == This section is intended for advanced users to extend or change wpDataTables functionality. At least a basic understanding of coding in PHP and JavaScript is required. * [wpDataTables Actions](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/information-for-developers/hooks/) * [wpDataTables Filters](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/information-for-developers/filters/) * [Front-end Table callbacks](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/information-for-developers/front-end-callbacks/) * [Front-end Chart callbacks](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/information-for-developers/wpdatacharts-callbacks/) **What do people say about wpDataTables?** ★★★★★ >Great plugin, great features, great support. Highly customizable and performing. - [mirkolofio](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/awesome-unvaluable/) ★★★★★ >This plugin is very useful and has save me countless hours. The support is top-notch as well. Literally one of the most impressive plugins that I use. - [heatherlsi](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/very-useful-and-works-3/) ★★★★★ >This is the best plugin for displaying tables and charts! And the support is the best one I had on WordPress. Responses within hours and problem fix the same day ! - [ldeschenes](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/excellent-plugin-great-support-109/) ★★★★★ >I don’t do many reviews, but my experience with wpDataTables has been awesome; from using the plugin to interacting with customer service and their support team. I was pretty amazed that even through the holiday season the support team replied quickly to my request. - [tekv](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/excellent-plugin-and-great-support-90/) ★★★★★ >I am impressed. I thought this would be a basic plugin, but it is a very powerful and versatile plugin that offers many tools and settings. And if you need a hand using the plugin, their support is ready to help. Very professional. - [mycamgirl](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/very-powerful-and-versatile-plugin/) = Useful links = - Official Page - [wpDataTables - WordPress Table Plugin](https://wpdatatables.com/) - Documentation - [How to use wpDataTables?](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/features-overview/) - Learn from our tutorials on [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/wpDataTables) - [Showcases for every industry](https://wpdatatables.com/showcase/) - [Facebook Page](https://www.facebook.com/wpdatatables) - [Instagram Feed](https://www.instagram.com/wpdatatables/) - [Twitter Profile](https://twitter.com/wpdatatables) == Installation == Installation of the plugin is really simple. 1. Install using one of these options: * Install directly from WordPress Admin panel: go to Plugins -> Add New -> Search for "wpDataTables", and click the Install button. * Download the ZIP manually from WordPress' plugins repository, and upload it through WordPress Admin panel: go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin, browse to the downloaded Zip and upload it. * Download the ZIP, extract it and manually upload the extracted folder through FTP to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory of your WordPress installation. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. That's it! == Frequently Asked Questions == = I added a table but see no sorting, filtering or pagination = Usually this happens when PHP version is older than 5.4 is installed. Please first check this, and upgrade to PHP 5.4 or more, if that’s the issue. = How to hide “Showing X of X entries” in pagination? = Go to display tab of the table settings block and disable the “Info block” setting. = How to disable/enable opening links in a popup? = You can configure how the links will be opened by toggling the “URL target attribute” switch In the Data tab of the Column Settings popup. It is up to you to define for each URL column if you prefer the link to open in a new or in the same tab. = How to hide “Show X entries” block from pagination? = Go to display tab of the table settings block and disable the “Rows per page” setting. = How to add symbols or text before/after cell values without affecting sorting (currency, percents, etc.) = For every table column in the column settings modal you can find text fields “Cell content prefix” and “Cell content suffix” in Display tab. Values from those text fields will be appeared before or/and after every cell content in a column. This feature uses CSS for displaying the entered text, therefore sorting of the columns will not be affected. = How to change the format of dates? = Date format can be changed in wpDataTables Settings page using the “Date format” drop-down menu. = How to change a thousand and decimal separators for number columns? = This can be changed from the “Number format” drop-down menu in the wpDataTables Settings page. == Screenshots == 1. New simple editor 2. Merge cells and customization 3. Reorder/resizing columns and rows 4. Front-end data table preview. 5. Back-end data table editor preview. 6. Data Table preview from the back-end 7. Table browser example 8. General settings 9. Column settings 10. Plugin settings 11. Google charts 12. Google chart settings == Changelog == = = * Fixed issue with deprecated warnings. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.79 = *Fixed issue with fatal error on activation. = 2.1.78 = *Fixed issue with deprecated use of curly brackets on a string. *Compatibility with WordPress 6.4 approved. = 2.1.77 = *wpDataTables Lite requires PHP version 7.4 or newer. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.76 = *Fixed deprecated warning for the Welcome page submenu. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.75 = * Updated page Lite vs Premium. * CSS improvements. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.74 = * CSS fixes for bootstrap elements. = 2.1.73 = * Fixed issue with incorrect date format (d F Y). = 2.1.72 = * Fixed issue when openssl is not set on server. = 2.1.71 = * Updated back-end images. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.70 = * CSS fixes for front-end modals. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.69 = * CSS fixes for front-end modals. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.68 = * Removed unused CSS. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.67 = * Compatibility with WordPress 6.3 approved. * Removed unnecessary CSS. = 2.1.66 = * Fixed vulnerability issue with PHP Object Injection. = 2.1.65 = * Fixed issue with showing wpDataTables notification messages on other admin pages. = 2.1.64 = * New, minimalist, dark skin - Dark Mojito. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.63 = * CSS fixes for the Raspberry Cream skin. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.62 = * Added a new hook, wpdatatables_before_render_table_config_data. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.61 = * Fixed issue with tables not showing when an address field is in a form group of Forminator forms. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.60 = * Feature: Alignment settings for column headers – choose to align to the left, center, or right. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.59 = * Feature: Alignment settings for column cells – choose to align to the left, center, or right. * Compatibility with WordPress 6.2.2 approved. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.58 = * New, modern, light skin - Raspberry Cream. = 2.1.57 = * New, minimalist, light skin - Mojito. = 2.1.56 = * Added option for choosing star rating color. * Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 approved. = 2.1.55 = * Added a new option for displaying a table description for each table. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.54 = * CSS fixes for cell text colors on Material, Aqua, Purple and Dark skins. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.53 = * Fixed issue with deleting rows in a simple table containing merged cells. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.52 = * Updated Chart.js library. * Three new chart types within the Chart.js engine: Stacked Column, Bar and Stacked Bar. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.51 = * Fix for table title showing inside h2 instead of h3 tag. * Fixed issue with simple tables in the back-end. * Fixed bug for row height when displaying empty fields. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.50 = * Updated back-end images * Added wpdatatables_curl_get_data and wpdatatables_curl_get_data_complete filters * Added dynamic table title id based on table ID * Resolved security issue with XSS (discovered by Rafshanzani Suhada) = 2.1.49 = * CSS fix for missing CSV icon in exporting tools. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.48 = * Updated libraries (Datatables, Table Tools, moment.js). Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.47 = * Added a new option for creating CSV and Excel tables using different server and location sources. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.46 = * Improved logging errors for cashing tables. * Compatibility with WordPress 6.1.1 approved. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.45 = * Bugfix: Fixed errors in console after saving table * Compatibility with WordPress 6.1 approved. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.44 = * Feature: Create table from New data source type: [Nested JSON](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wordpress-tables-from-nested-json-data-with-json-authentication/) * Feature: [JSON authentication](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/creating-wpdatatables/creating-wordpress-tables-from-nested-json-data-with-json-authentication/#json-authentication) * Compatibility with WordPress 6.0.3 approved. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.43 = * CSS fixes. * Bugfix: Fixed issue loading tables crated from Forminator. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.42 = * Feature: [Caching tables data](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/caching-data-and-auto-update-cache-in-wordpress-tables/) for non-server-side tables (Excel, CSV, XML, JSON, and PHP array). * Feature: [Auto update table cache](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/caching-data-and-auto-update-cache-in-wordpress-tables/) for non-server-side tables (Excel, CSV, XML, JSON, and PHP array). Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.41 = * CSS update. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.40 = * Bugfix: Fixed issue with saving CSS rules on simple table. * Bugfix: Fixed issue with popup CSS style. * Compatibility with WordPress 6.0.2 approved. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.39 = * Bugfix: Fix for Display tab settings not being aligned inside rows. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.38 = * Feature: Added single cell shortcode. More about this in our docs about [Single cell shortcode](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/table-features/single-cell-shortcode/). * BugFix: Fixed issue bootstrap CSS. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.37 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with fatal error with old versions of Avada theme. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.36 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with CSS. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.35 = * Feature: Responsive datatables – now each datatable can be responsive where you can choose which columns do you want to be visible or hidden on tablets and/or mobiles. * Feature: Added options for responsive actions in datatables – icon, row or cell. * Feature: Responsive Charts – now each chart (both Google and Chartjs) can be responsive – just tick the “responsive” checkbox near the width input. Responsive chart will occupy 100% width of the container, instead of having fixed width, therefore always render correctly on any device types, and when you resize browser window. * Feature: Grouping Charts – rows with same labels would be treated as a single entry, summing up all the values in other cells. * Improvement: Enabled options in Google chart: Horizontal crosshair, Horizontal axis direction, Vertical crosshair, Vertical axis direction, Invert * BugFix: Fixed issue with PHP notice. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.34 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with PHP warnings. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.33 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with Elementor integration. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.32 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with showing tables insert from Divi integration. * Compatibility with WordPress 6.0 approved. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.31 = * Improvement: Remove unnecessary files from Divi integration. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.29 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with inserting spaces for column prefix and suffix. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.3 approved. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.28 = * Improvement: Improved custom JS and CSS layout * BugFix: Fixed issue with Jet plugins in Elementor widgets. * BugFix: Fixed issue with Gutenberg blocks when Avada’s post/page types are disabled. * BugFix: Fixed issue with merge cells from context menu. * BugFix: Fixed issue with XSS vulnerability founded by mOze. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.27 = * Feature: Chart.js enabled with 9 new chart types as second chart rendering engine. Beside Google Charts, we have added Chart.js that renders simple and flexible charts with a lot of customization options. * Improvement: Improved integration with Divi Builder. * Improvement: Added new filters for each chart engine render data: wpdatatables_filter_google_charts_render_data and wpdatatables_filter_chartjs_render_data. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2 approved. Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.26 = * Feature: Added integration with Avada Website builder. Read more on this link [Avada Page builder integration for wpDataTables](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/avada-builder-integration). * Feature: Added integration with DIVI Website builder. Read more on this link [DIVI Website builder integration for wpDataTables](https://wpdatatables.com/documentation/general/divi-builder-integration/). * Improvement: Added export file name parameter in module for WPBakery page builder. * Improvement: Replaced deprecated methods for Elementor integration. * Bugfix: Fixed enqueue minify version wpdatatables-bootstrap.min.css Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.25 = * Bugfix: Removed extra quotes from img element in simple table * Compatibility with WordPress 5.9 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.24 = * Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.3 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.23 = * Improvement: Reduce plugin size by removing unnecessary files * Bugfix: Fixed CSS conflicts with Gravity forms. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.22 = * Improvement: Added pagination above the table on browse page for tables and charts. * Improvement: Added new hook to filter URL of PHP array tables: wpdatatables_filter_url_php_array. * Improvement: Add new pre-formatted hooks for all column types in datatables: wpdatatables_filter_date_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_time_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_datetime_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_link_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_email_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_string_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_int_cell_before_formatting, wpdatatables_filter_float_cell_before_formatting and wpdatatables_filter_image_cell_before_formatting. * Bugfix: Fixed notice for deprecated hook in Gutenberg. * Bugfix: Fixed issue with browsing tables and charts with search * Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.2 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements = 2.1.21 = * Feature: Added new options for link columns in datatables (noreferrer and sponsored attributes) * Feature: Added new options for link editor in simple table (noreferrer and sponsored attributes) * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements = 2.1.20 = * Feature: Added clear button in color-picker in simple table. * Bugfix: Fixed resetting CSS rule for background and text color in simple table editor. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements = 2.1.19 = * Feature: Added new option for the simple table: “Remove borders”. * Feature: Added new option for the simple table: “Border collapse” . * Feature: Added new option for the simple table: “Border spacing”. * Improvement: Improved checking for existing PHP extension – zlib on the server. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.1 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements = 2.1.18 = * Feature: Added new option "Page Orientation" for PDF export reports. * Feature: Added new option "Paper Size" for PDF export reports. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.17 = * Bugfix: Removed unnecessary CSS. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.16 = * Feature: Added Font and Font size options in simple table. * Feature: Added new option for showing HTML code in exported files like Print, Copy, CSV and Excel. * Updated moment.js library. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.8 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.15 = * Bugfix: Removed unnecessary CSS. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.14 = * Added new hooks wpdatatables_filter_int_cell_data_in_charts and wpdatatables_filter_float_cell_data_in_charts. * Bugfix: Fixed layout of copy to clipboard element. * Bugfix: Fixed CSS issue in simple tables on mobile devices. * Bugfix: Fixed issue with changing colors in charts. * Bugfix: Fixed conflict on back-end with Gravity forms tooltips * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.13 = * New FREE addon: “Forminator Forms integration for wpDataTables” available. Tool that adds "Forminator Form" as a new table type and allows you to create wpDataTables from Forminator Forms submissions. More on this [link](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpdatatables-forminator/). * BugFix: Fixed issue with strings in loops (conflict with other plugins). * BugFix: Fixed issue with color-picker visibility in column color option on small screens. * BugFix: Fixed issue with showing quotes in charts. * BugFix: Fixed issue with Notice on Dashboard page. * BugFix: Fixed issue with JS notices about sourceMappingURL's. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.7.2 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.12 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with spaces in column headers * BugFix: Fixed issue with not saving tooltip options in charts * BugFix: Fixed error message on the welcome page. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.7.1 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.11 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with not showing simple editor on Safari browser * BugFix: Fixed issue with welcome page on bulk plugin activation * BugFix: Fixed some PHP Notice messages * BugFix: Fixed issue with table borders in simple table * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.10 = * Feature: Add new option for creating 3D pie chart * Feature: Search for tables and charts using ID on browse pages * Added translate functions on several strings. * Added German translation * Bugfix: Fixed issue with Fatal errors if allow_url_fopen is turned off on server. * Bugfix: Fixed issue with loading simple table preview after clicking on back button in browser from some pages. * Bugfix: Fixed issue with inserting “px” in column width option. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.9 = * Improvement: Added auto-save functionality after insert media in Simple tables * Improvement: Added translate functions on some strings * Improvement: Added new hooks for enqueuing scripts in admin area and filters for elementor widgets * BugFix: Fixed issue with font in material skin and background in graphite skin. * BugFix: Fixed issue with class name in Global font color settings. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.6.2 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.8 = * Feature: Added new date formats * BugFix: Fixed issue with warnings and notices with simple table and other page builders. * BugFix: Fixed issue with showing charts with WP rocket caching. * BugFix: Fixed issue with counter variable in charts. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.6.1 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.7 = * Feature: New option to set column data to be available/disabled in global Search results * Feature: New option to set NOFOLLOW relation for links in simple and data tables * BugFix: Fixed issue with saving page in Divi builder with simple table shortcode. * BugFix: Fixed issue with not showing tabs in backend after switch. * BugFix: Fixed issue with tooltip when is loaded jQuery UI. * BugFix: Fixed issue with disappearing Display length selectbox. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.6 = * BugFix: Fixed issue with Fatal errors on Dashboard page if PHP extensions are not installed. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.6 approved. * Compatibility with PHP 8 approved. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.5 = * Improvement: Replaced PHPExcel library with PhpSpreadsheet library. * BugFix: Fixed issue with deprecated errors. * Notice: From this version required PHP version is 5.6 or newer! * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.4 = A major update with a couple of new features, bug fixes and stability improvements: * Feature: Elementor integration - Added Elementor Blocks for tables and charts. * Feature: New option to hide pagination for each table. * Feature: New option to set pagination position for each table.(Right, center and left) * Feature: New option to set pagination layout for each table.(Six different layouts) * Feature: New option to set tables sorting order on browse pages. * BugFix: Fixed issue for reset options Remove borders. * BugFix: Fixed issue with showing tables in Internet Explorer browser. * BugFix: Remove wpdt-c class from admin area on other admin pages * BugFix: Correct folder name for Slovenian language. * BugFix: Fixed issue with removing message modals in admin area * BugFix: Fixed issue for simple tables with random sorting. * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.3 = * Feature: New table type - Create a simple table with any data, merged cells, styling, star rating and a lot more. * Feature: Added Slovenian translation * Improvement: Update French translation * Improvement: Added new color picker * Other small bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.2 = * Fixed issue with the slow backend * Fixed issue with loader after saving global plugin settings * Bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.1.1 = * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.5 approved. = 2.1 = * Design: New fresh admin UI. * New page: New Dashboard page with lots of useful information and guides. * New page: New detailed System Info page which simplifies resolving external conflicts. * Feature: New Popup First-launch Guide with feature explanations for new users. * Feature: New options like Feature suggestion, Subscription and lot more. * Feature: Now it is possible to create all Google charts. * Feature: Chart Tooltips are enabled. * Feature: Global Table Customization are available (Color And Font Settings) * Notice: For next update of wpDataTables Lite it will be required 5.6 version of PHP, so the users who have still 5.4 have time to upgrade. * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.2 approved. = 2.0.21 = * Bug fix: Issue with Gutenberg hooks * Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.1 approved. = 2.0.19 = * Bug fix: Issue with padding in container for Aqua skin in backend * Bug fix: Issue with padding for ellipsis button in pagination * Compatibility with WordPress 5.4 approved. = 2.0.18 = * Added option for title on Print button * Bug fix: Issue for enabling Apply button on input/paste URL input * Bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.0.17 = * Updated Russian translation * Bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.0.16 = * A minor update with a couple of small bugfixes: * Bugfix: Fixed conflict with WooCommerce product page and Gutenberg * Resolved minor security issue - added nonce on Settings page * Compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2 approved. = 2.0.15 = * A minor update with a couple of small bugfixes: * BugFix: Plugin is now compatible with jQuery 3.x. * BugFix: Fix PHP notices * Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 approved. = 2.0.14 = * Feature: Added new date formats * Updated French translation * Updated core of Datatables library * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.2.3 approved. = 2.0.13 = * Feature: Removed limitation for number of rows in tables * Feature: Added functionality for creating Google charts(Line, Column and Pie) * Feature: Added options for customizing Google charts(Line, Column and Pie) * Bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.0.12 = * Bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.0.11 = * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.2.2 approved. = 2.0.10 = * Bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.0.9 = * Feature: Added Gutenberg block – the plugin is now Gutenberg optimized. * Feature: Added option to choose whether you want to keep the tables after deleting the plugin from the Plugins page (by default the tables will be saved in database after deleting the plugin). * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.2.1 approved. = 2.0.8 = * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.1.1 approved. = 2.0.7 = * New skins and new UI elements – a new Dark and Purple-style skins for tables front-end, new UI elements; * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.1 approved. = 2.0.6 = * New skin and new UI elements – a new Aqua-style skin for tables front-end, new UI elements; * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 5.0 approved. = 2.0.5 = * Added more Date formats * Bug fixes and stability improvements. = 2.0.4 = * Added French language for translation * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.8 approved. = 2.0.3 = * An option to choose CSV delimiter in the Settings page. * Bug fixes and stability improvements. * Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.7 approved. = 2.0.2 = * The plugin’s design was re-worked from scratch to a more intuitive, smooth and user friendly interface following Material Design guidelines; * New skin and new UI elements – a new Material-style skin for tables front-end, new UI elements; * Feature: Checkbox for including Bootstrap on the front-end added on the Settings page; * Feature: New settings for URL link columns – now it is possible e.g. to make them display as buttons, configure if the links should open in a new tab, or change the default text; * Fix: removed “All” when table displays all of the entries, and if you have less entries than selected displayed length; * Under-the-hood improvements * Security and stability improvements; * A number of other minor bugfixes; * Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.1 approved. = 1.2.3 = * Security issues fixed for deleting and loading wpDataTable. = 1.2.2 = * Security issues fixed for all save actions. = 1.2.1 = * Compatibility with WP 4.7 approved * Problem with PHPExcel components resolved = 1.2 = * DateTime column type added * Time column type added * Extended multisite support * Improved Settings page * Compatibility with WP 4.6.1 approved * Numerous bugfixes = 1.1 = * Migrated Table Tools to use HTML5 instead of Adobe Flash * Advanced settings for configuring Table Tools (individually per button) * Wide tables can be configured to be horizontally scrollable * Upgraded used libraries * Compatibility with WP 4.5.2 approved * Numerous bugfixes = 1.0 = * Initial version for wp.org