=== Free Assets Library - Openverse/Pixabay 600+ Million Images ===
Contributors: Surror
Tags: openverse, pixabay, stock images, images, photos, royalty images
Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/mwaghmare7/
Tested up to: 6.3
Stable tag: 2.2.1
Requires at least: 4.4
**Free Assets Library** is the #1 WordPress plugin which provides 600 Million FREE Images with 90,000+ downloads 🚀
== Description ==
**Free Assets Library** is the #1 WordPress plugin which provides 600 Million FREE Images with 90,000+ downloads 🚀
You can simply search your favorite images from 600+ millions of images from:
- Openverse
- Pixabay
- soon more
You can use the plugin with:
1. Download from Media Popup
2. Download from Admin Page
=== 1. Download from Media Popup
- Go to Edit any post/page/custom post type
- Add an image to the post content
- Open media upload popup
- Select the Openverse or Pixabay tab
- Search for the image
- Click on the image
- Change image name, title, caption, description
- Click on the Download image
=== 2. Download from Admin Page
- Go to `Media > Free Assets` Library
- Select the "Openverse" or "Pixabay" tab
- Search for the image
- Click on the image
- Change image name, title, caption, description
- Click on the Download image
Read more in [one page quick documentation](https://docs.surror.com/doc/free-assets-library/getting-started/).
= Features: =
- Zero configuration
- Download images from Openverse, Pixabay, and (soon more)
- Easy search from 600+ millions of images.
- Direct download into media library.
- Automatically set the image TITLE tag for SEO purpose.
- Automatically set the image ALT tag for SEO purpose.
- Automatically Image attribution (of original image author) in image description field for SEO purpose.
- Automatically create SEO ready images names.
- 100% safe, model released images.
- Quick support
**Welcome for featured requests**
If you have any suggestion or any featured request then don't hesitate to [contact](https://surror.com/contact/).
=== Bug reports
Bug reports for "Free Assets Library" are welcomed in our [Forum](https://surror.com/forums/forum/free-asset-library/).
=== Further reading
For more info check out the following:
* The [surror.com](https://surror.com/) official website.
* The [Contact Me](https://surror.com/contact/).
* The [Getting started guide](https://surror.com/doc/free-asset-library/).
* Other my [WordPress Plugins](https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/surror/).
* Make a [small donation](https://www.paypal.me/mwaghmare7/).
== Installation ==
= From within dashboard (recommended) =
1. Navigate to `Dashboard > Plugins > Add New`;
2. Search for `Free Asset Library`;
3. Click `Install`, then `Activate`.
= Manual installation =
1. Download the plugin as a .zip file;
2. Unzip downloaded archive and upload `free-images` folder under your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory (resulted plugin path should be `/wp-content/plugins/free-images/**`);
3. Navigate to `Dashboard > Plugins` and activate the plugin.
== Screenshots ==
1. Search for plugin to install in your WordPress website.
2. Edit the page/post/custom post type and select image block
3. Click on "Media Library" button to open WordPress media popup
4. Select the "Openverse/Pixabay Images" tab
5. Search for images
6. Change image file name, image title, caption, description, etc.
7. Download the image into the post/page/custom post type
8. Image successfully added to the current edit post content
9. Publish post and view URL
10. Image visible into the fron-end. Easy :)
== Changelog ==
= 2.2.1 =
* Improvement: Updated compatibility for WordPress 6.3
= 2.2.0 =
* New: Added the license and use by filters for the Openverse.
* New: Added the safe search, orientation, category, and color filters for the Pixabay.
* Improvement: Added the attribute support for all the Openverse licenses which includes: Public Domain Mark, CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-ND, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-NC-ND.
* Improvement: Display the downloaded image into the UI to avoid repetitively download same image.
* Improvement: Added a quick download button into the images grid.
* Improvement: Media library popup UI improvements.
= 2.1.3 =
* Improvement: Updated compatibility for WordPress 6.2.2
= 2.1.2 =
* Improvement: Display the welcome message on the image search screen.
* Improvement: Avoided the default search result for the WordPress images.
* Fix: Weekly cron schedule repetitively scheduled.
= 2.1.1 =
* Fix: Added the missing files from the build.
= 2.1.0 =
* New: Added support to download images into the WordPress media popup.
* Improvement: Updated compatibility for WordPress 6.1.1
= 2.0.2 =
* Improvement: Updated compatibility for WordPress 6.1
* Fix: Added the missing Loadash JavaScript file dependency.
= 2.0.1 =
* Improvement: Improve the code with latest PHPCS rules.
* Improvement: Users can now share non-personal usage data to help us test and develop better products.
= 2.0.0 =
* New: Added support for Openverse images.
* New: Added support for Pixabay images.
* New: Updated the UI.
= 1.4.2 =
* Improvement: PHPCS and linting Improvements.
= 1.4.1 =
* Improvement: Fixed PHP warning for required parameter.
* Improvement: Updated compatibility for WordPress 5.9.3
= 1.4.0 =
* New: Added colors filter to filter images by color. See https://maheshwaghmare.com/doc/free-images-for-wordpress/#filter-images-by-color
= 1.3.0 =
* New: Added the SafeSearch option to get only images suitable for all ages. Suggested by @Steve
= 1.2.3 =
* Improvement: Updated compatibility for WordPress 5.5.
= 1.2.2 =
* New: Downloaded the 1280xauto image by default. We also have a choice to download the 640xauto image size. Reported by @krstarica.
* Improvement: Search result string messed up with the quick doc link.
* Improvement: Removed `…` part form the image caption. Reported by @krstarica
= 1.2.1 =
* Improvement: Register the download images page only for the `upload_files` user permissions. Reported by Steve.
= 1.2.0 =
* Improvement: Added the original author name into the alt tag of image.
* Improvement: Added documentation link.
= 1.1.1 =
* Improvement: Showing images with 500 ms timeout.
* Improvement: Added WordPress compatibility 5.4.
= 1.1.0 =
* New: Added 640xauto image size download option.
* New: Added 1280xauto image size download option.
* Improvements: Removed unwanted markup and improve the UI.
= 1.0.1 =
* Improvements: Images takes too much time while loading due to large images.
= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release.